Photo of EAM members at Tannins Wine

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Elmhurst Area Moms

All Upcoming Events

Days with a dot represent that we have events scheduled for that particular day.
Click on the date to see those events.

Mom & Baby Brunch

440 440 E. East Court, Elmhurst

Moms with babies 1 and under and also Expecting Moms are invited over to Meghan Kastenholz's house for a morning play date. Please feel free to bring a treat to share and enjoy while the babies play and the moms socialize. Coffee will be provided. Please comment with your name and your baby's name/age.

Goldfish Family Swim Pizza & Pool Party

Goldfish Swim School 614 N Michigan St, Elmhurst

We're making a splash with this special event hosted by ENNC/EAM sponsor Goldfish Swim School. ENNC and EAM members, friends, and family are all invited for the fun! Join us Friday, March 21st, 5:30-7:30pm for a family swim and pizza party. Goldfish Swim School will provide juice boxes and cupcakes and ENNC/EAM provides the pizza! Please sign up at the link below so Goldfish Swim School knows who to expect:

All EAM events are published on our Facebook page.
Click below to visit our page.